The advertising guru known for his innovative work (and more recently his about change of heart when it comes to business) has launched what he calls a collaborative community/brand for social entrepreneurs. In a presentation that accompanies the announcement of the launch of Common, Alex Bogusky says that when the old ways begin to give way to something yet to be imagined, we have a choice: we have to either live in the past or we get down to the business of imagining a future.
The former CP+B executive says that he still believes in commerce and that capitalism is the most powerful force on earth and has lifted billions out of poverty – but it is in crisis. To help remedy that he says that creative people must play a part in inventing the new capitalism. The mission of Common is to design a capitalism that spreads love and prosperity to all stakeholders. His response is to launch Common – an open-source “living network for a new brand of capitalism.” The service will be part-community, part incubator, part media channel.
Read more here.