

iAds Found to be Twice as Memorable as TV Ads

People who viewed one of Campbell's iAds were more than twice as likely to recall it than those who had seen on of their TV ads, according to an effectiveness study funded by Campbell's and Apple.

AdAge reports that indeed the five-week study, conducted by Nielsen, showed that consumers shown an iAd remembered the brand "Campbell's" five times more often than TV ad respondents and the ad messaging three times more often.

iAd respondents said they intended to purchase Campbell's four times more than the TV group and that they liked the ad five times more. TV and mobile audiences were queried separately in mobile and online surveys. The TV audiences were part of Nielsen's panel, while mobile users were recruited within various apps. 

"We have a lot of data that goes many years back for TV print, out of home and radio, but we're searching for more validated metrics in mobile," said Ms. Gordon. "This does show, in really traditionally brand metric terms, that iAd really outperformed."